Petitgas P, Alheit J, Peck MA, Raab K, Irigoien X, Huret M, van der Kooij J, Pohlmann T, Wagner C, Zarraonaindia I, Dickey-Collas MAnchovy population expansion in the North Sea MEPS 444:1-13 | More Information... | Full text in pdf format ![]() |
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Waggett RJ, Hardison DR, Tester PA
Toxicity and nutritional inadequacy of Karenia brevis: synergistic mechanisms disrupt top-down grazer control
MEPS 444:15-30 | Full text in pdf format
Paul M, Bouma TJ, Amos CL
Wave attenuation by submerged vegetation: combining the effect of organism traits and tidal current
MEPS 444:31-41 | Full text in pdf format
Jarvis JC, Moore KA, Kenworthy WJ
Characterization and ecological implication of eelgrass life history strategies near the species’ southern limit in the western North Atlantic
MEPS 444:43-56 | Full text in pdf format
Flores-de-Santiago F, Kovacs JM, Flores-Verdugo F
Seasonal changes in leaf chlorophyll a content and morphology in a sub-tropical mangrove forest of the Mexican Pacific
MEPS 444:57-68 | Full text in pdf format
Feehan C, Scheibling RE, Lauzon-Guay JS
Aggregative feeding behavior in sea urchins leads to destructive grazing in a Nova Scotian kelp bed
MEPS 444:69-83 | Full text in pdf format
Urriago JD, Himmelman JH, Gaymer CF
Sea urchin Tetrapygus niger distribution on elevated surfaces represents a strategy for avoiding predatory sea stars
MEPS 444:85-95 | Full text in pdf format
Duineveld GCA, Jeffreys RM, Lavaleye MSS, Davies AJ, Bergman MJN, Watmough T, Witbaard R
Spatial and tidal variation in food supply to shallow cold-water coral reefs of the Mingulay Reef complex (Outer Hebrides, Scotland)
MEPS 444:97-115 | Full text in pdf format
DeBoer TS, Baker AC, Erdmann MV, Ambariyanto, Jones PR, Barber PH
Patterns of Symbiodinium distribution in three giant clam species across the biodiverse Bird’s Head region of Indonesia
MEPS 444:117-132 | Full text in pdf format
González-Rivero M, Ferrari R, Schönberg CHL, Mumby PJ
Impacts of macroalgal competition and parrotfish predation on the growth of a common bioeroding sponge
MEPS 444:133-142 | Full text in pdf format
Tyne JA, Loneragan NR, Kopps AM, Allen SJ, Krützen M, Bejder L
Ecological characteristics contribute to sponge distribution and tool use in bottlenose dolphins Tursiops sp.
MEPS 444:143-153 | Full text in pdf format
Adamack AT, Stow CA, Mason DM, Rozas LP, Minello TJ
Predicting the effects of freshwater diversions on juvenile brown shrimp growth and production: a Bayesian-based approach
MEPS 444:155-173 | Full text in pdf format
Mercier L, Mouillot D, Bruguier O, Vigliola L, Darnaude AM
Multi-element otolith fingerprints unravel sea−lagoon lifetime migrations of gilthead sea bream Sparus aurata
MEPS 444:175-194 | Full text in pdf format
Smith RE, Grutter AS, Tibbetts IR
Extreme habitat specialisation and population structure of two gorgonian-associated pygmy seahorses
MEPS 444:195-206 | Full text in pdf format
Macedo-Soares LCP, Freire AS, Muelbert JH
Small-scale spatial and temporal variability of larval fish assemblages at an isolated oceanic island
MEPS 444:207-222 | Full text in pdf format
Albaina A, Taylor MI, Fox CJ
Molecular detection of plaice remains in the stomachs of potential predators on a flatfish nursery ground
MEPS 444:223-238 | Full text in pdf format
Kadin M, Österblom H, Hentati-Sundberg J, Olsson O
Contrasting effects of food quality and quantity on a marine top predator
MEPS 444:239-249 | Full text in pdf format
Bartolino V, Ciannelli L, Spencer P, Wilderbuer TK, Chan KS
Scale-dependent detection of the effects of harvesting a marine fish population
MEPS 444:251-261 | Full text in pdf format
Jost JA, Podolski SM, Frederich M
Enhancing thermal tolerance by eliminating the pejus range: a comparative study with three decapod crustaceans
MEPS 444:263-274 | Full text in pdf format
Ho ALFC, Pruett CL, Lin J
Population genetic structure, coloration, and morphometrics of yellowhead jawfish Opistognathus aurifrons (Perciformes: Opistognathidae) in the Caribbean region
MEPS 444:275-287 | Full text in pdf format
Aoki K, Amano M, Mori K, Kourogi A, Kubodera T, Miyazaki N
Active hunting by deep-diving sperm whales: 3D dive profiles and maneuvers during bursts of speed
MEPS 444:289-301 | Full text in pdf format